XPRESS – an EU-funded project under Horizon 2020 R&I programme – gives support to Public Procurements to facilitate the collaboration between SMEs and public sector for the adoption of RES (Renewable Energy Sources) in regions.
XPRESS is studying Green Public Procurement (GPP) - a system where public sector organisations use their purchasing power to choose environmentally friendly goods and services - and is investigating how this type of procurement could create new markets and provide financial support for RES innovations.
XPRESS is mapping the low carbon energy needs of European cities and municipalities, analysing perceived and actual barriers to investments in RES innovations and is developing new methodologies to evaluate the financial, economic and environmental impact of RES technologies. It will also develop financial tools to support the use of green technologies in European regions and municipalities.
The project is also collecting good practices of financing tools for innovative renewable technologies, focusing particularly on green procurement policies and will create a web platform to gather data, share information and match the needs of public and private organisations.
The first phase of the project is focusing on selected cities and municipalities within the UK, Italy, Norway, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, Slovakia, Portugal and Belgium with the aim of involving other regions as the work progresses.